What's stopping your beard growth?

What's stopping your beard growth?

One of the top questions guys are asking is "how do I get my beard to grow?".

Growing a beard seems simple.  Just stop shaving and let your glorious bushy beast come to life.  But the reality is it's a minefield of challenges and barriers getting between you and your dream beard.

  1. Collateral damage - There's no denying the fact that one or two day stubble can be brutal on your partners face.  That negative response is your first off-ramp.  Your first chance to say "forget it, it's not worth".  And I get it, no more kissing, no more cuddling, there's only so much a man can take.  But you got to fight through that feedback.  Tell them to just give you a few more days, it'll soften up, I promise.
  2. The itchy's - I'm not gonna lie, the first few days of your beard journey are tough one.  On one hand, it's so liberating not to have to shave.  But you quickly get this itchy, dry feeling while at the same time feeling greasy and dirty feeling.  That's mostly because you're not used to it.  Your face is wondering what the hell is happening.  Well, this new hair's first few days can do a number on your skin.  But don't worry, if you wash it and keep it nourished that can both sooth and feed your skin, helping to take away those itchy's while at the same time making your beard feel soft and clean.
  3. The backlash - It's bound to happen.  People don't like change and they don't seem to mind sharing the fact that your new look has thrown them off.  That's not how they know you.  You've changed,  Who are you? I don't know any more?  Well, if you can fight through the dramatics, I find that most friends and loved ones come around.  They see your commitment and start to like this different, fresh new side of you.

And now you're coming out the other side.  You've done it, your beard exploration is fully underway and you now on this exciting journey for good.  At least until you shave again.  And then the journey gets to start all over, only this time you're wiser.

Good luck my hairy faced friends.

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